Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

When You have Different Religious Backgrounds

There may be difficulties where you are of different faiths but most,
though not all, obstacles can be reduced or removed over time.

There could be friction within one or both families and there may be
legal requirements if you decide to have two services (one following
the tradition of each faith) or a non-denominational ceremony.

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You may need to have a licensed marriage registrant at one
ceremony to comply with the laws in your area.

I suggest that you approach members of your families who are
closer to their church for information unless doing so might increase
tension between you.

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You will, however, probably find that your local religious leaders are
quite helpful when they understand the sincerity of your
commitment to each other.

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The traditional choice is for one person to convert to the religion of
the other. That is a very serious decision which should be
considered carefully and which the two of you should discuss
without pressure.

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